
A Troubling Trend with Legal Software

A troubling trend with legal software
In the last two years, over half a dozen law software companies have been purchased by private equity firms.

The products are merging, or disappearing altogether. As a lawyer, your options for software are disappearing.

We get approached regularly with offers to buy out TimeNet Law. But we remain fiercely independent. Why?

When a private equity firm buys out multiple competing products and combines them together, choice in the marketplace evaporates. Even if the products remain separate at first, they may eventually merge. And meanwhile, a number of troubling things can happen.

  • Customer support often gets worse
  • Prices go up as choice goes down
  • The quality of the software slips as corners are cut
  • Combining multiple products results in a confusing mishmash of different software
  • Everything becomes about the bottom line – even at the expense of the customer

We understand how busy and stressful things can be for attorneys. And the last thing you need to worry about is your law firm’s management software pulling the rug out from under you.

TimeNet Law is committed to staying independent. We’ve been in the market for 20 years, and we’ve watched dozens of products and companies come and go. But we remain. And with almost no marketing. I believe this is because we are absolutely obsessed with creating the highest quality products, and backing them up with the best support in the industry.

Our customers seem to agree. We are only here because of you. Your support and word of mouth advertising means the world to us.

Thank you!

Want to Help Us Stay Independent?

There’s a couple of things you can do that are a huge help!